Are You A Distracted Driver?
Did you know that 2016 was the deadliest year on American roadways since 2007? And, the number of driving-related fatalities had the largest two-year spike since 1964.
The National Safety Council (NSC) found that 83% of drivers do believe that distracted and impaired driving is a major safety concern. BUT, 64% admitted that they are comfortable speeding, texting (47%), driving while being impaired by marijuana (13%), or driving after they felt they had consumed too much alcohol (10%).
And, so many of us engage in activities (eating, daydreaming, letting our pets roam loose in the car) that we don’t feel are dangerous, but still cause so many accidents.
Let that sink in for a moment…
As a parent of three children, one who is about to get her learner’s permit in about 2 ½ years, these figures are alarming.
I mean, I can barely watch this Subaru commercial without turning into a blubbering mess.
I can’t imagine the day that I allow her to get behind the wheel of a car without me there to protect her. Especially with these statistics circling around in my thoughts.
So, what can we do about this? How can we keep ourselves, our children, and those around us safe while operating a motor vehicle?
“The good news is we know what works to save lives: high-visibility enforcement of strong traffic laws coupled with public education and awareness,” notes the NSC.
And, insurance companies are starting to take note as well. One company that Langlois Insurance Agency works with, Pekin Insurance, has put together a great website where you can learn more about the dangers of distracted driving.
Plus, it has a fun, interactive Quiz, Focus 2 the Finish, where you can find out if you are engaging in common distractions that put yourself and others at risk.
Check it out! I took the quiz and was shocked – shocked – to learn that even your trusty, local Insurance agent had a few things to improve on (Sorry, Sunny, no more road trips in the Langlois-mobile for you!).
So, let’s keep our roads safe. Because you all are on the roads.
Your loved ones are on the roads.
And, because my Olivia will be on the roads soon.
And – simply – because driving safely is so very important.
Matt Langlois