That one single word can make an insurance agent break out in a cold sweat. In fact, one of my greatest fears is having my home, or a home of one of my insureds, break out in a raging fire.
So, when I received a Consumer Alert on a dehumidifier recall, I knew that this was content that I needed to share with all of you to help keep you, and your loved ones, safe in your home.
I don’t want to be an alarmist — fires caused by dehumidifiers are uncommon.
But, the answer to the question, “Can my dehumidifier cause a fire?” is yes. Yes, it can.
Sometimes the fire is caused by a manufacturing issue and sometimes the fire is caused by poor owner maintenance.
So, the big question is, “What are the best ways to keep your home safe.”
If you do have a dehumidifier in your home, check to make certain that it isn’t one that has been recalled due to possible overheating, smoking, and fire hazards by visiting
Issues with dehumidifiers are not only due to manufacturing defects. In most cases, the issues that occur with dehumidifiers are due to improper maintenance. This is why you should make sure that your dehumidifier is properly maintained. Most people are not fully aware of how to maintain a dehumidifier. If you are not sure of how to take care of your dehumidifier, you should follow these tips on properly maintaining your dehumidifier.
If your dehumidifier is not in a setting that will enhance its performance, there is a chance that it will not work properly and could malfunction. So, make every effort to place your dehumidifier in an area where it will function perfectly, which will also help in extending the life of the dehumidifier.
*Set the humidistat according to the level of humidity in the air. If you set it above or below the level required, the humidifier will not work properly, particularly if you set it higher. This would place undue stress on the machine, causing it to break down.
*Another thing to watch out for is the air leaks in the room, as any leaks will put extra strain on the dehumidifier. It will be same situation as when the humidistat is turned all the way up.
*Most people place the dehumidifier right alongside a wall when they should keep it at least 6 inches away from the wall, as recommended by most manufacturers.
Should you ever be unfortunate enough to experience a dehumidifier incident, please call Langlois Insurance Agency immediately at #815-485-6676. We can provide a recommendation for a reputable restoration company to ensure your home is back to its former self as quickly as possible.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact any of us at Langlois Insurance Agency with any questions or comments.
We always love to hear from our customers!
Sincerely, Matt Langlois
Langlois Insurance Agency